Question is still there... if someone have the answer, he's welcome

About missing defines :
Step 01> in /blocksadmin folder, search _MD_AM_ and replace by _I_WANNA_MORALIZE_CAPITALISM (or what you want)
Step 02> in blocksadmin folder, search _AM_ and replace by _AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_
Step 03> in blocksadmin folder, search _I_WANNA_MORALIZE_CAPITALISM and replace by _AM_SYSTEM_
Step 04In blockadmin/language/english/modinfo.php, add these defines
define( '_AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_BADMIN' , 'Blocks administration' );
define( '_AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_SIDE' , 'Side' );
define( '_AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_ACTION', 'Actions' );
define( '_AM_SYSTEM_BLOCKS_BLKTYPE', 'Position' );
... it seems to do the trick