

Submitter: webmaster
Publisher: Not Specified
Released: Fri, 01-Oct-2004

Version: 0
Downloads: 12834
File Size: 0 bytes
Home Page: https://xoops.org
Mirror Website: Not Specified

Rating:   (1 Vote)

Reviews:  (2)

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Price: Free | Platform: Xoops 2.0 | License: Not Specified | Limitations: Not Specified

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7dana-Xred (Fri, 01-Oct-2004)
alightFC (Fri, 01-Oct-2004)

fc_clan_blue � copyright 2024 https://xoops.org

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: fc_clan_blue

ahh.. it didn't work for me.. There is no menu... or anything.


 Re: fc_clan_blue

ok, like i said it didn't work. I don't really know what im doing but after some playing around with things here it is what i figured out about this thing to get it to work.

after uploading your theme to server you need to rename the theme to "4thefort".

Second thing i did was in the XOOPS root folder, I had to changed the xoops.css...

table {

width: 900;


After doing that, everything seemed to work fine...

Good luck..

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