

Submitter: webmaster
Publisher: Not Specified
Released: Fri, 01-Oct-2004

Version: 0
Downloads: 19954
File Size: 0 bytes
Home Page: https://xoops.org
Mirror Website: Not Specified

Rating:   (10 Votes)

Reviews:  (2)

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Price: Free | Platform: Xoops 2.0 | License: Not Specified | Limitations: Not Specified

XOOPS Web Application System User Reviews

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7dana-soft (Fri, 01-Oct-2004)
7dana-Xred (Fri, 01-Oct-2004)
alightFC (Fri, 01-Oct-2004)

karate_redux_blue � copyright 2024 https://xoops.org

The comments are owned by the author. We aren't responsible for their content.

 Re: karate_redux_blue

Coool! Very nice theme.

Only one problem: for example, when I login the page doesn't reload... the message "Thank you for logging in, ... If the page does not automatically reload, please click here" remains on the screen.

This happen only with this theme.

Could somebody help me?


 Re: karate_redux_blue

Greetings -

Try reinstalling the theme. It might or it might not help. I use this theme and have no problems with it.

Roberto Artigas


 Re: karate_redux_blue

I use it. Fine on XOOPS 2.0. Reload issues like described earlier with XOOPS 2.2+


 Re: karate_redux_blue

Found the fix for 2.2. It's an edit of the theme.html:


or short, this starts around line 46. Make it look like this:


Design: B.Heyula
Author Thread