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XOOPS PHPMailer Security Patches Released

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of security patches for XOOPS 2.5.8 and XOOPS

These patches includes the latest version of PHPMailer to address a serious vulnerability. All XOOPS users are encouraged to update as soon as possible.

Both full distributions and patch files (from the most recent prior release) for both the 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 series are available.

Any users that are running older XOOPS versions are advised to update to XOOPS now.


Release files are available on GitHub.

The files are also mirrored on the XOOPS File Repository on SourceForge


Release files are available on the XOOPS File Repository on SourceForge

XOOPS Website in transition

In the next few weeks the XOOPS Website will be very busy, with a lot of work happening in the front of you!

Instead of making a secret out of it, and then creating a huge splash out of it, we've decided to just go ahead and make changes to the Website as we go.

What is happening:

1) We are moving to PHP 7. Originally we were on 5.4, and this weekend we moved to PHP 5.6, as as soon as our host offers PHP 7, we'll be ready.

2) We've also moved the Website to the latest XOOPS Core, so we can test it here before we officially release it.

3) We are also updating all modules that are being used here, which will help us, of course with your help, to discover any bugs

We have updated the NewBB Forums to the latest version, as well as News. We'll be converting soon the News to Publisher, as strategically that's what we want to invest our time in.

And we'll be adding some new cool modules, like the one upcoming wgTimelines developed by Goffy from Germany. We'll transition our "XOOPS Innovators" and "XOOPSer of the Month" awards there. The work on the converting the "XOOPS Innovators" to the wgTimelines has already started - you can check it out here

What else?

We have moved modules developed by Wishcraft to one location on GitHub (read more here), so you can check them out, fork, and contribute back.

We have also created one GitHub location for various XOOPS D3 modules. If you're curious what the D3 modules are, please read more here

Of course, we hope that you'll help us on this journey as we're moving closer to the next release of XOOPS

And in case you were wondering, yes, we're looking for a new responsive theme for this updated Website! So if you would like to design a new theme for us, please let us know...
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XOOPS GitHub Twitter Block added

If you would like to see what is XOOPS doing on GitHub, you can subscribe to our GitHub Twitter:

I have also added a block with recent tweets timeline:

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Our other Twitter Accounts:

XOOPS Forums:

Articles about XOOPS in Tech Republic

We knew it already for years, but it's always nice to see that the technology media also considers XOOPS as powerful and limitless as Drupal and Joomla, as it was stated recently in an article in Tech Republic !

This was my response in the comments:
"You're absolutely right with your assessment about the need for Simplicity, but I guess, you've missed the XOOPS extension called "Common Utilities" ( :)

So I invite you to download the latest version of XOOPS 2.5.8 (, the Common Utilities extension, incl. some of the modules created with this new architecture (
and take it for a spin and let us know what you think.

The Common Utilities will be part of the upcoming "next generation" version of XOOPS - see more on our XOOPS Roadmap: "

As a follow-up to the article in Tech Republic, the author conducted an interview with us, and it is now posted there as "One on one on one with XOOPS"

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So as you can see from the interview, there are a lot of cool things coming for XOOPS, but we need your help, so please get involved:
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SimAntz: PHP business apps framework built on top of XOOPS

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The newly discovered SimAntz Framework is a PHP programming framework built on top of XOOPS 2.4.4, allowing to develop fancy, feature rich, reliable business Apps

This project focused on providing the developer with a reliable, solid, & visually stunning programming framework. With this framework developers are able to develop great business process management apps based on best programming practices.

This programming framework included:

- Permission control on each windows by user group
- Full audittrail, (control by column)
- Integrated AJAX framework
- Integrated Nitobi's CompleteUI toolkit (powerfull grid, combo box, and etc)
- WYSIWYG (PHPJasperXML) PDF report library integrated
- Supporting multiple organization
- Dynamic workflow integrated
- Build in SMS/Email function
- and many more powerful features

It was built on top of XOOPS 2.4.4 and needs to be updated for the current XOOPS 2.5.8, and potentially XOOPS 2.6.0

The video shows very nicely the most features:

In addition to the original modules contained in the SimAntz Framework:

1) SimAntz

Central SimAntz Framework module

2) SimBiz

Pure accounting management system

3) Approval

Approval module

4) BPartner

Business and Reporting Module

we've added extra four modules we've found on SourceForge:

5) SimTrain

This is an web based tuition center management system with features like manage student info, employee/tutor info, tuition class and registration, product & services, payment, generate official receipt, cash onhand, stock.

6) SimSalon

This is salon management system with features like customer info, employee info, vendor info, stock product info, payment, payroll for employee, report (sales analysis,customer and employee)

7) SimInvoice

Business Invoicing System

8) SimFWorker

This is web based project allow user to manage foreign worker data using web browser. It keep basic foreign worker info, medical and visa data, payment history, worker/passport picture and their home town address.

As said above, it was originally built on top of XOOPS 2.4.4 and needs to be updated for the current XOOPS 2.5.8, and potentially XOOPS 2.6.0.

Who would like to help us with that?

If you're installing it, please note that there are two databases that you could use:

a) in the /database folder
b) in the /simantz/blankdb folder

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XOOPS on GitHub: Let's Get involved!

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GitHub became "THE" tool of Open Source development!

It makes development, as well as collaboration with other developers, so much fun!

There are tons of tools that contribute to the Eco-system of GitHub and make our lives so much easier:

- you can test your code automatically with tools like Scrutinizer
- check your TODO items with
- continuous integration with Travis CI
- write documentation with GitBook:

and so many more:

It is a lot of fun, and therefore we would like to invite all Xoopsers to create an account on GitHub (if you don't have one yet), and then let us know, so you can join us at our main GitHub XOOPS location:

Please note that we have several repositories on GitHub:

Current Development:


All the tutorials are available on GitBook Repository:


Really old themes, for XOOPS < 2.0.14

Not sure if XOOPS is still up to the challenge for the modern Web development and if you should get involved?

XOOPS developers and designers are always surprising us with the awesome Websites they are able to develop with XOOPS, like this one:

There is a LOT of happening in the world of XOOPS, and more is coming!

1) XOOPS 2.5.8 has been released, and it's PHP 7 compatible:

2) More and more modules are being converted to XOOPS 2.5.8 and PHP 7:

3) Our Roadmap for XOOPS 2.6.0 is also available, and we're hard at work on implementing it:

4) More and more tutorials are coming to GitBook Repository:

and all Xoopsers can collaborate on creating new ones, and contribute, like Kevin is doing right now with the "Kaotik Module Tutorial":

So let's get started! Please join us on GitHub, and let's bring the "Magic of XOOPS" back :)

Your XOOPS Development Team

XOOPS 2.5.8 Final Available

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The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.8.

Highlights: PHP7 ready, XMF included, Security updates, Bcrypt passwords

This new version has numerous bug fixes and enhancements. You can download the XOOPS 2.5.8 Final release directly from XOOPS/XoopsCore25 on GitHub, or XOOPS Core (stable releases)/XOOPS_2.5.8 on SourceForge.

Important note: XOOPS 2.5.8 requires some database updates for full function. Be sure to follow the instructions below under Upgrade Required if you are updating an existing system.
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XOOPS 2.5.8 Release Candidate 3 for PHP7 Available for Testing

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.8 RC3.

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This new version has numerous bug fixes and enhancements. You can download the XOOPS 2.5.8 RC3 release directly from XOOPS/XoopsCore25 on GitHub, or XOOPS Core (Beta Releases)/XOOPS_2.5.8_RC3 on SourceForge.

Please note: XOOPS 2.5.8 requires some database updates for full function. Be sure to follow the instructions below under Upgrade Required if you are updating an existing system.

This release supersedes RC2, and includes fixes for issues which were found in testing. A big "Thank you!" goes out to everyone who has helped with testing and reporting!

Please report any issues you encounter with this release so that we can make XOOPS better for everyone. If you are registered on GitHub, just open an issue. We will also monitor the XOOPS forums.
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XOOPS 2.5.8 Release Candidate 2 Available

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.8 RC2.

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This new version has numerous bug fixes and enhancements. You can download the XOOPS 2.5.8 RC2 release directly from XOOPS/XoopsCore25 on GitHub, or XOOPS Core (Beta Releases)/XOOPS_2.5.8_RC2 on SourceForge.

This release supersedes RC1, and includes fixes for issues which were found in testing. Thanks go out to XOOPS users Yurdal and JJDai for testing and reporting!

Please report any issues you encounter with this release so that we can make XOOPS better for everyone. If you are registered on GitHub, just open an issue. We will also monitor the XOOPS forums.
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XOOPS 2.5.8 Release Candidate 1 Available

The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS 2.5.8 RC1.

This new version has numerous bug fixes and enhancements. You can download the XOOPS 2.5.8 RC1 release directly from XOOPS/XoopsCore25 on GitHub, or XOOPS Core (Beta Releases)/XOOPS_2.5.8_RC1 on SourceForge.

Please report any issues you encounter with this release so that we can make XOOPS better for everyone. If you are registered on GitHub, just open an issue. We will also monitor the XOOPS forums.

Fixes and Enhancements

Without the contributions of many, this release would not exist. A big "Thank you!" goes to everyone that has contributed. In alphabetical order, the list includes:

- Angelo Rocha
- Cédric MONTUY
- cesagonchu
- Dingjie Yang
- elpaksu
- hyp3rlinx
- luciorota
- mamba
- Peekay
- redheadedrod
- slider84
- timgno
- wppd
- xd9527
- zyspec

View the full change log here:

Lots of effort has been put into making XOOPS better cleaner, safer and more compliant with current standards and best practices.


This release includes fixes for multiple issues (CSRF, weak password hash, and directory traversal) reported by hyp3rlinx. Also, fixes for a potential privileged information disclosure issue reported by Cédric MONTUY.

Passwords are now hashed using PHP's password_hash() function. A library that brings compatibility to users with PHP versions earlier than 5.5 is included.

The new XMF library (see below) includes support for JWT, which can be very useful in securing AJAX and REST processing.

Ready for PHP 7 Testing

The world of PHP is in constant motion. The recent release of PHP 7 brings with it huge improvements, but also compatibility issues. While XOOPS 2.5.8 supports PHP 5.3.7 through the latest 5.6 release, PHP 7 support should still be considered experimental, and is released for public testing.

MySQL support using the mysql extension has been deprecated for quite a while, and PHP7 removes it completely. XOOPS 2.5.8 now uses the mysqli exclusively. Any database access using standard calls to the XoopsDatabase classes will use the newer mysqli extension. Some modules are using direct database calls through PHP mysql_* functions. These will continue to work under PHP 5, but it is recommended that module developers consider remediation of any such calls.

Another thing that changes in PHP 7 is "All of the E_STRICT notices have been reclassified to other levels." In previous XOOPS versions, E_STRICT warnings have been suppressed when using the debugging logger. These are no longer suppressed to give developers insight into what may need to be fixed. We've tried to make sure XoopsCore runs clean, but modules may produce debugging output you have not seen with earlier versions.

Custom administration themes may have issues due to a long existing bug in the XoopsSystemGui::validate() definition.

XMF Included

XOOPS Module Framework library, the XMF library, is now included, and is used in the core in several places. XMF is a library of standard classes useful in module development. It can be very useful in the near future, as all of its classes are forward compatible with the next generation of XOOPS.

Developers can learn more in the XMF Cookbook, and may want to look at the Xmfdemo module on GitHub.

Upgrade Required

There are database changes with this version. There are no new requirements for a fresh installation, but for updating an existing system, follow the recommended upgrade process. In a nut shell:

- Make a full backup of site files and database. (We've done lots of testing, but it is always best to be safe.)

- Copy the contents of the distribution htdocs directory into your web root directory.

- Copy the contents of htdocs/xoops_lib to your relocated/renamed xoops_lib as applicable.

- Copy the distribution upgrade directory into your web root directory.

- Point your browser to http://your-site-url/upgrade/ and follow the prompts.

- Log in and step through any needed updates.

- At the end, follow the link to upgrade the system module.

- Also update pm, profile and protector modules if installed.

- Remove the install and upgrade directories from your web root.

Your site should be ready to use.


NOTE: Work continues on our next major release of XOOPS! To see what's coming, please check out our GitHub code repositories:

- XOOPS 2.6.0 Core

- XOOPS 2.6.0 Modules

- XOOPS 2.6.0 Roadmap

and especially the great work Eduardo (bitcero) is doing on:

- XOOPS 2.6.0 Enhanced Admin GUI

Please also check out our other Github repositories:

- XOOPS Documentation

- XOOPS current Themes

- XOOPS 2.5.x Modules

- XOOPS 2.0.14+ Themes, 3 columns

- XOOPS 2.0.14+ Themes (2 columns)

- XOOPS Theme Archive (Themes for XOOPS < 2.0.14)

- XOOPS Modules Archive

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