YAXS: Neurogel en marche : Association for the cure of paraplegia and tetraplegia

Posted by: tataneOn 2011/1/23 16:04:24 5749 reads
I am very pleased to introduce the new association website Neurogel en marche which is now based on Xoops

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NeuroGel in March is an association of public utility and the owner of the patent NeuroGel. The NeuroGel is a biomaterial that has properties very similar to those of the spinal cord. It is used as a growth medium for regeneration of nerve fibers in a lesion.

Several researchers have demonstrated that the NeuroGel applied to a lesion of the spinal cord can restore mobility and sensitivity to animals para or quadriplegic. The association in NeuroGel Walk is a unique movement in the world where paralyzed and researchers join forces to fund the first clinical trial on humans of a new therapeutic approach, embodied by the NeuroGel.

The site is based on version 2.5.0 Xoops

It uses modules:
• News 1.66
• MyTube
• Publisher
• Liaise
• Evennews
• TDMdownloads
• Xdonation

Modules News MyTube Evennews and were modified and adapted by Mr Yannick Le Guern : Development and web design
Development graphics has it been developed by the studio Ricome

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