Modules: Classifieds 2.5.1 Released

Posted by: jlm69On 2010/10/12 17:30:00 6391 reads
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I have released version 2.5.1 of the Classifieds Module.

This is basically a bug fix for 2.5 with one addition.
Now when administering the categories you can now let premium users not be moderated when everyone else is.

Classifieds 2.5.1

For Xoops versions 2.3.3b and up

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Read the README file

Classifieds no longer uses lightbox. Now it uses a jquery plugin for Colorbox
Now Classifieds uses bezoom ( for its magnification.
Search by State/Region and/or category and/or between 2 prices

Fixed : Users could rate their own ad, not anymore.
Fixed : All reported errors
Fixed : changed $mail =& getMailer(); to $mail =& xoops_getMailer(); in admin/index.php
Fixed : admin/category.php fixed category being changed to moderated after modification.
Added : New Config in preferences to allow admin to receive an e-mail if any listing is modified.
Added : New Config in preferences to allow admin to limit number of ads a regular user can have, and a premium user can have
Added : In Category admin - added moderate premium users modifications.


Admin can choose to moderate listings by choosing that option in the category setup.
Admin can limit number of photos a listing can have.
Admin can limit number of ads a regular user can have, and a premium user can have
Admin can limit how long ads can last
Ads can be marked sold, and set to expire X days after marked sold.
Admin can choose upload directory.
Admin can choose default sort order
Will send an e-mail to the user X days before ad expires.
Can use Extra code in between listings. EX. banners, google code
Admin can choose to use search or not
Can be used in more than one country
Admin can choose to receive an e-mail if any listing is modified.
Xoops Notifications
Photos use colorbox for effects and bezoom for magnification
Admin can choose which editor the users can use.
Admin can allow users to use differnt e-mails or names
Admin can allow premium users modifications to not be moderated when everone else is.
Group Permissions - By category and group
Members page - Users can see all ads by a user and the submitter can see any replies to their ads.
Search by State/Region and/or category and/or between 2 prices.

tested on servers with these specs

php - 5.29
mysql - 5.0.91-community
searver api - cgi-fcgi

php - 5.3.3
mysql - 5.1.46
server api - apache2handler


1. classifieds_money
Your currency symbol - Default is $

2. classifieds_limit_ads
Limit the number of listings a user can have. - Default is

3. classifieds_num_ads
Number of listings a regular user can have. - Default is

4. classifieds_p_num_ads
Number of listings a premium user can have. - Default is

5. classifieds_perpage
Listings per page - Default is 10

6. classifieds_newad
Show new Listings on the Front Page of Module - Default is Yes

7. classifieds_new_count
Number of new Listings on the Front Page of Module - Default is 10

8. classifieds_count_day
Listings marked new for how many days - Default is 3

9. classifieds_howlong
Listing Duration in days - Default is 14
Premium Users can change this

10. classifieds_sold_days
Listing Duration after being marked sold in days - Default is 3

11. classifieds_not_premium
Maximum number of pictures for a non premium user - Default is 1

12. classifieds_nb_pict
Maximum number of pictures for a premium user - Default is 12

13. classifieds_path_upload
The directory where the photos will be uploaded to - Default is

14. classifieds_link_upload
The URL where the photos will are stored - Default is

15. classifieds_thumb_width
The maximum width of the thumbnail - Default is 125

16. classifieds_thumb_height
The maximum height of the thumbnail - Default is 175

17. classifieds_sized_width
The maximum width of the resized picture - Default is 650

18. classifieds_sized_height
The maximum height of the resized picture - Default is 450

19. classifieds_max_origwide
The maximum width of the original picture - Default is 2048

20. classifieds_max_orighigh
The maximum height of the original picture - Default is 1600

21. classifieds_maxfilesize
This the maximum size of your picture, in bytes. - Default is 512000

22. classifieds_souscat
Display subcategories on the Front Page of Module - Default is Yes

23. classifieds_nbsouscat
Number of subcategories to show if you selected 'yes' to 'Display subcategories'- Default is 4

24. classifieds_csortorder
The order that the categories will be sorted. - Default is alpabetical

25. classifieds_lsort_order
The order that the listings will be sorted. - Default is date

26. classifieds_diff_name
Will allow users to use a different name when submiting a listing - Default is No

27. classifieds_diff_email
Will allow users to use a different e-mail when submiting a listing - Default is No

28. classifieds_rate_user
Will allow users to rate the user selling the item - Default is No

29. classifieds_rate_item
Will allow users to rate the item being sold - Default is No

30. classifieds_show_state
Some users want to display the State - Default is

31. classifieds_use_country
Some users want to display the Country - Default is No

32. classifieds_form_options
You can choose which editor your users can use. - Default is dhtmltextarea

33. classifieds_colorbox
Use colorbox effects with pictures. - Default is Yes

34. classifieds_zoom
Use bezoom for magnification effects with pictures. - Default is Yes

35. classifieds_almost
When to send notice that the ad is about to expire. in days - Default is 3

36. classifieds_main_cat
Allow listings to be added to main categories. - Default is Yes

37. classifieds_cat_desc
Use category descriptions. - Default is Yes

38. classifieds_use_captcha
Use Captcha. - Default is currently No, I found it was not working correctly, so I disabled it till a future release.

39. classifieds_use_code
Use extra code between listings. Ex. google code, banners - Default is

40. classifieds_use_banner
Use Xoops banners between listings if Use code set to Yes - Default is

41. classifieds_index_code
The Code to use between listings if Use Code is set to Yes, and Use Banner is set to No

42. classifieds_code_place
Where to place the extra code, Ex. after the 5th listing. - Default is

43. classifieds_offer_search
Show the search box on front page. - Default is Yes

44. classifieds_countries
Use in more than one Country - Default is No

45. classifieds_notify_mod
Send e-mail to admin if any listing is modified. - Default is Yes