Themes: Inspire 7 Lite and Inspire 3.1 CSS3 Reborn

Posted by: insraqOn 2010/7/8 17:40:00 5920 reads
Inspire 7 Lite


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1. Written with CSS 3.
2. Fully compatible with Firefox 3.6, Safari 5.0 and Chrome 5.0. Partially compatible with Opera 10.5. The theme still looks elegant in “old browsers”.
3. More well-defined CSS selectors to fit XOOPS.
4. User panel integrated. JQuery library is loaded from Microsoft CDN (To avoid potential risks using Google CDN in some country)


1. The “Slide show” on homepage is currently not included. It will be available in Inspire 7 Premium. I would like to integrate the slide show with one article module (Article 2.0 or Publisher 1.0, not decided yet).
2. Inspire 7 Premium will not be a free theme. I would like to donate this theme to the community. The rule is, you can pay whatever amount you like, not to me, but to XOOPS Community. After you have finished the donation process, please take a screenshot of the relevant Paypal page and send an email to me. I will send the theme files to your Paypal email address. So please make sure you include your Paypal email address in the screenshot. This starts today, and ends in 1 month (Aug. 9 2010). You can donate today, or donate after the Premium theme is ready. I will post an announcement when the theme is completed. So please send me the email after that. But donations from now on are counted.

Inspire 3.1 CSS3 Reborn


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Changes from 3.0:

1. Fix the JQuery load error (Thanks toKris)
2. Fix the CSS 3 syntax for Opera (Thanks to the feedback of vamptrix)

For the downloads of both themes, you know where to go Demos are available on the download page.
By the way, the picture in the slide show area of Inspire 7 is taken by me in Yunnan Province last year.

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