Developer News: 2008 Google Summer of Code - Project Ideas Page

Posted by: MambaOn 2006/3/7 8:10:00 3683 reads

* Integration with a third-party PHP framework, most likely CakePHP

* Full support PHP 5.2+ and MySQL 5.0+ natively

* Supporting multiple database drivers

* Supporting multiple authentication drivers, including native xoopsDB, LDAP, OpenID, etc.

* Supporting multi-site feature

* New i18n service with native multi-language support

* Supporting multiple template engines thus customized template engine

* Embedded security protection against XSS and sql injection to free module developers from security concerns

* Enhancement of backend, including usability, automation of management tasks, security audit, etc.

* Boot sequence allowing preload feature

* Kernel is open to third-party developers so that they can add own frameworks or libraries without hacking the core, which also allows developers sharing libraries with others

* Improved ORM will enable crossing-module hook to allow interactions between modules without hacking each other

* RIA (Rich Internet Application : flex or ajax) will be implemented for usability improvement

* Creativity and compatibility: the future XOOPS will focus on the solid architecture and cutting edge features, meanwhile, XOOPS 2.3 modules will be fully compatible with XOOPS 3.0 through a legacy system

* A basic module toolkit will be provided for webmasters to create their own modules without programming skill

* Theme becomes inheritable, allowing webmaster creating a new theme dependent on a parent theme shared by other themes, which is convenient for webmasters and powerful for multi-site applications with great potential