YAXS: Thanks you Guys

Posted by: windyOn 2007/1/29 22:57:42 5841 reads
The Reptile Foundation would like to thank the Xoops community for there CMS and all module makers for the time and skills they put into giving to this project.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our site after working on it for the last 3 months. If you have an interest in Snakes then drop by and take alook, it is a three tier site, with guest access, registered user, and we have used the Xasset module with the paypal plugin to make a full members area. Over 15 modules have gone into the construction of the site including Google Maps for showing the distribution range of Ratsnakes, Wordbook for our dictionary and etymology section, Articles, News, Downloads, Reviews, Protector and Netquery.

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The Ratsnake Foundation