YAXS: Dr. Allen Website

Posted by: rabideauOn 2007/1/10 2:45:35 5621 reads
I have just opened up a new XOOPS 2.0.16 website for a dentist's office. The site is available from either:

http://dr-allen.com or

This site is a bit different for me. This site makes rather extensive use of Flash, something I haven't done with XOOPS before. It also has a flash entry portal page. As with all my most recent sites this site theme is fully wire frame and w3c compliant. The site also makes use of the css min-width command (which works with most browsers except IE 6 and under, and MAC IE, I'm told).

Please visit the site, sign our GuestMap and let me know what you think.

Pax vobiscum,

PS. I'm still working on a couple of pages...