YAXS: Announcing XOOPSGroups: The Unofficial Guide To XOOPS Consultants, Designers, Developers & More

Posted by: gestroudOn 2006/4/22 8:57:17 5753 reads
Announcing XOOPSGroups: The Unofficial Guide To XOOPS Consultants, Designers, Developers & More

Resized ImageXoopsgroups is set up as a directory of XOOPS consultants in a variety of areas, including core & module coders, theme designers, and XOOPS-based individuals and organizations providing relevant information and services for XOOPS and non-XOOPS users.

If you or your web site falls into any of those categories, we invite you to join us and add your site to our listing.

Our ultimate goal is to promote XOOPS - and the men and women behind it - to a broader range of web site builders and potential customers.

This will be accomplished via paid and non-paid advertising in web and print media.

In addition to our XOOPS Business Directory, our site also features:

* A Design Gallery to preview some great themes not generally available on the XOOPS main site

* A Download section that we'll be filling with some of those hard-to-find modules and hacks many XOOPSers have been searching for.

* Breaking Web Development & Design News from multiple sources covering more than a dozen topics including: databases, php, mySQL, internet
security, web hosting, web design, HTML and more. There are over 700 items in this section

* Informative Design & Developments articles - helpful not only to experienced themers and coders, but great for anyone who wants learn how to create their own modules & themes.

* A Design & Development Mega Store with thousands of web design & development-related books, software and hardware to help you get educated in the field.

ALL XOOPSers are invited to visit our site. In addition, we encourage the members of our new community to:

1. List your site(s) - as well as your contact information qualifications - in our directory. If you don't currently own or maintain a site, you may still add yourself to our listing. Be sure to leave an email address or some method for potential clients to contact you.

2. Upload up to 5 of your themes to our Design Gallery for others to view. Be sure to add a link to your site in the description. It makes it easier for people to contact you. You can add and remove themes to the Gallery but we'd like to limit it to 5 per designer.

3. There are a LOT of great, hard-to-find modules and hacks available for XOOPS. If you've authored one, why not add it to our Downloads section?

We request that a full description be provided, as well as details about what version of XOOPS and its attendant modules the hack is for. Please be sure to add a means for people to contact you if there are any questions.

4. If you have any pertinent articles either authored by yourself or something that you feel would be of interest to others, post it in the articles section. Please ensure that the author has given permission to reprint his/her work. In most cases, they consider it an honor, but it's always nice to ask.

5. Make occasional posts on the forum. If people see an active forum, they'll be inclined to visit more often and peruse the directory to find out more about the people behind the post.

6. Add our RSS feed to your sites, if possible. We'll be providing some great information for you and your readers. Our RSS feeds are set up for Yahoo, Google, Blogroller and other major syndicators. It's an ideal method of spreading the word.

7. Link To Us!

8. MOST IMPORTANT! Let us know how to improve XOOPSGroups. Do we need new categories? Some site tweaking? Would you like to play a larger role in our efforts? Let us know. It's all about XOOPSifying the world!


XOOPSGroups is NOT intended to usurp or replace XOOPS, its organizational structure or anyone involved therein. We've set it up as a supplementary means of creating a network to help developers and designers promote themselves and XOOPS. AND THAT IS ALL!

We also request that everyone who visits us please leave your egos at the door.

For XOOPSGroups,

Ms. Dana
George Stroud

Website link: Xoopsgroups.com