I mentioned before like this:
With this function,you(Admin) can set the PM System-Policy of your system.
#PM System-Policy#
You can set the followings.
=> the default values of PM-Policy,GroupPM-Policy.
(It means new member has these as his/her default PM-Policy,GroupPM-Policy.)
This section of pmhackconfig.php is correspondent to the default value of PM(GroupPM) Policy.
$Config_pm['filter_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['filter_word'] = "sex,drug";
$Config_pm['reject_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['reject_reason'] = "";
$Config_pm['blacklist'] = "devilboy,devilgirl";
$Config_pm['pmsort'] = "0";
$Config_pm['pmorder'] = "0";
$Config_pm['pmlimit'] = "10";
$Config_pm['trashbox_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['popup_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['mail_ok'] = "0";
$Config_pm['rbox_max'] = "5000";
$Config_pm['pbox_max'] = "5000";
$Config_gpm['grouppm_adminok'] = "0";
$Config_gpm['grouppm_mygroupok'] = "0";
$Config_gpm['grouppm_rusergroupok'] = "0";
$Config_gpm['pmgroup_list'] = "";
$Config_gpm['grouppm_limit'] = "5";
Here is more detailed explanation^^
(please, look at the menu."Set PM System Policy(Admin Only)" [configpmsg.php?op=editpmsystempolicy]
$Config_pm['filter_ok'] => No filtering(0), Filtering(1)
$Config_pm['filter_word'] => ex> "sex,fight,drug"
$Config_pm['reject_ok'] => No reject(0), Reject(1)
$Config_pm['reject_reason'] => ex> "I am busy now"
$Config_pm['blacklist'] => ex> "devilboy,devilgirl"
$Config_pm['pmsort'] => msg_time(0), subject(1)
$Config_pm['pmorder'] => ASC(0), DESC(1)
$Config_pm['pmlimit'] => 10 (10 pms Per Page)
$Config_pm['trashbox_ok'] => No show(0),Show(1)
$Config_pm['popup_ok'] => No popup(0),Popup(1)
$Config_pm['mail_ok'] => No mail notification(0), Mail notification(1)
$Config_pm['rbox_max'] => 5000 (PM user Receive box max-limit)
$Config_pm['pbox_max'] => 5000 (PM user Post box max-limit)
$Config_gpm['grouppm_adminok'] => Allow GroupPM to Admin Group-> Not Allow(0),Allow(1)
$Config_gpm['grouppm_mygroupok'] =>Allow GroupPM to My Groups-> Not Allow(0),Allow(1)
$Config_gpm['grouppm_rusergroupok'] => GroupPM to Registered Users Group -> Not Allow(0),Allow(1)
$Config_gpm['pmgroup_list'] => ex> "1,2" GroupID
$Config_gpm['grouppm_limit'] => 5 GroupPM limit(Per Month)
=> ON/OFF(or Selection) of each function prepared for PM-users in this PM system.
It is correspondent to this section of pmhackconfig.php
((please, look at the menu."Set PM System Policy(Admin Only)" [configpmsg.php?op=editpmsystempolicy])
$Config_pmfunction['pmpartnersearch'] = "2";
$Config_pmfunction['pmconfig_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['grouppm_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmuserkey_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmtype_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmbackup_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmprint_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmpdf_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmbuddy_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmhelp_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmprbox_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmlite_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['pmpolicy_ok'] = "1";
$Config_pmfunction['grouppmpolicy_ok'] = "1";
someone asked me why I chose File-Config instead of DB-Config(xoops_config table)
At my first thought, I planed DB-Config...but...changed my mind...
because....I thought File-Config is better in this stage considering the modularization of this PM-Hack.
From wani[wani@wanisys.net]
the most educational site, wanisys.net [ http://www.wanisys.net ]