Themeable DHTML Menu
  • 2005/2/16 8:46

  • kavaXtreme

  • Repository Maintainer

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2005/1/17

Does anyone know how to display a DHTML menu? XT-Conteudo includes a menu block similar to what I'm looking for, but it doesn't seem to be themeable as far as I can tell. (It also feels strange to me to be installing a content module just for the menu blocks...)

Basically I'm just looking for a themeable menu block that would display sub-menu items to its right when hovering over a menu item. Here's hoping someone out there knows of something like this... or how to make it from scratch. My fingers'll be crossed till this post is answered. ;)

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu
  • 2005/2/16 10:07

  • carnuke

  • Home away from home

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This sort of question seems to come up a lot

Have to seen http://www.frxoops.org/ ?They use a really good menu system on the site. Perhaps the source code will help you!

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu
  • 2005/2/16 19:35

  • kavaXtreme

  • Repository Maintainer

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2005/1/17

Cool menu! Don't know who's in charge of their modules page, but we could use them here on the English site! Made me wish I could read French.

I have a great script from my old (pre-Xoops) site that I'd love to use (son of suckerfish menu). I just don't know anything about PHP, so I don't know how to pull out the menu values and get them inserted where they're needed. It would be inside of a
    tag, so it should be pretty easy to do. I'd be happy to put it in a module too, if only I knew how. But it looks like it'll be many moons till then.

    It seems so close... Almost within my grasp... Sure wish somebody would make a good menu module. It sure would be popular!

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu
  • 2005/2/17 15:18

  • sadistiko

  • Friend of XOOPS

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  • Since: 2004/12/13

I can't find it there - don't read french
It would be great if somebody put those menus here.

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu
  • 2005/2/27 6:05

  • jamboree

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2004/2/25


I got the sothink menu and created a dhtml menu which i inserted into a block. So far so good. However, I have two remaining problems:

1. I get an error message relating to a line in my index.php file for the homepage. The actual line referred to is not a 'code' line.

2. the menu width seems to be determined by XOOPS so the main menu fits the block exactly (the right width - looks great) but sub menus open up to the entire width of the page obsuring the other main menu options and the page behind it.

Do I need to change a setting in XOOPS or the Sothink programme to contain the width of the submenus or do i need to insert the menu into the theme file and if so how would i do this?

many thanks

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu
  • 2005/2/27 14:48

  • kavaXtreme

  • Repository Maintainer

  • Posts: 110

  • Since: 2005/1/17

Are you using a style sheet to theme the menu? If so, it should be fairly easy to insert a "class" (or similar) statement into the menu template and the CSS style sheet.
For example (simplified), the CSS would look like this:
.submenu {width:150px;}

And then you'd insert the class statement into the appropriate HTML tag. For example:

As to the other question, could you post the line that's causing the error? Perhaps some here would know what the problem is.

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu - PROBLEM SOLVED??
  • 2005/3/1 5:59

  • jamboree

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2004/2/25


check out djtaiwan.org

top left is my new menu. all working (i think - no complaints yet)

How? oK...hold your breath beacause this is too easy -

use Macromedia fireworks and create a hotspot drop down menu - more advanced users could layer the main menu items so that they too are animated on roll over.

Export & save the image file (gif or jpg) and upload the mm_menu.jps file to the root directory where the menu will reside.

Export again but this time as 'html & Images' & select 'copy to clipboard'. Then paste the contents into Frontpage - modify the locations for the menu image and the .jps file, preview and test then copy all into a block and insert.


hope this helps
sothink caused so many layout issues.

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu - PROBLEM SOLVED??
  • 2005/3/1 8:17

  • bihlink

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How about easy CSS menu as you can see on this page. It is themable easy and very friendly with search engines.

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu - PROBLEM SOLVED??
  • 2005/3/1 14:28

  • jamboree

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2004/2/25

A warning to users of the Fireworks dhtml menu in XOOPS ... only one menu can be supported on any 1 page so if you want le your menu to appear on all pages you will not be able to use similar menus on the site. I got around this by selecting my menu only for those pages already without a dhtml menu.

Not sure why and perhaps my menu si working as a fluke but it does and it seems stable though i think the load up time probably decreases the overall speed of my page loads....

hope this helps

Re: Themeable DHTML Menu
  • 2005/4/24 21:40

  • novelidea

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jamboree wrote:

I got the sothink menu and created a dhtml menu which i inserted into a block. So far so good. However, I have two remaining problems:

1. I get an error message relating to a line in my index.php file for the homepage. The actual line referred to is not a 'code' line.

2. the menu width seems to be determined by XOOPS so the main menu fits the block exactly (the right width - looks great) but sub menus open up to the entire width of the page obsuring the other main menu options and the page behind it.

Do I need to change a setting in XOOPS or the Sothink programme to contain the width of the submenus or do i need to insert the menu into the theme file and if so how would i do this?

many thanks

I have the exact same problem. The thing is that when I completely remove the css styling lines in my theme.html file ....
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<{$xoops_url}>/xoops.css" />
link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<{$xoops_themecss}>" />

...the menu shows up perfectly, but of course none of my css styling works.

It's frustrating as heck b/c I can't figure out what it is inside the css style class file that's interfering with my Sothink DHTML menu.


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