Xoops Categories
  • 2006/6/28 18:09

  • gruessle

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 348

  • Since: 2003/9/20

One of the bast futures of XOOPS is the power of GROUPS.

I would like to suggest one more future and that is XOOPS CATEGORIES.

1) Group dependend categories
2) Module dependent categories
3) Personal categories
4) See below

Admin should be able to set categories and select which modules should have each category available and which Group of users may see/access them.

Group Categories
Each Group moderator can create module dependent group wide categories.

Each user should be able to create module dependent XOOPS categories like the admin but just for his own use.

4) One mode added future and you would never have to run more then one XOOPS again.
All groups and categories to be domain/subdomain dependent.
Imagine this:
You have an "Anonymous Users" entering the site though a subdomain. So if user enters your site via sub1.example.com he will see one thing and another if he enters your site via sub2.example.com.

5) Selectable themes per subdomain and you have the perfect xoops. You could even host XOOPS sides for others on one instance of XOOPS and they would newer know.

How do you like that?



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