XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/8 21:45

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Anyone using the module "XooPopChat"? I just uploaded it to my modules directory and it isn't showing under the Admin "Menu" (on the left side with the other modules), althought it shows up under "Module Administration". Its also set to "active", so I don't understand why isn't it showing up in the menu...Is this not a vaild XOOPS module? In addition (in my modules directory), the folder "xoopopchat" is CHMOD'ed to 755 and the log folder is CHMOD'ed to 777 as the "readme.txt" suggests. What is going on here?

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/8 22:18

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

I just noticed that in the "Webmasters" group, there is no module admin rights box for this---any ideas why this isn't there?

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/8 23:09

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

It's only an alpha, but I tried this a while ago and it worked - except in Firefox where it won't 'pop' because of the pop-up blocker. It *is* basic. (no private chat rooms etc) but it *isn't* powered by Flash, so it's really quick.

I had no trouble installing, but I am sure I downloaded a version from the developer's site rather than from here. See my comments in the module downloads section.

My own install notes say CHMOD the 'log' folder *and* the files within it to 777.

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/8 23:31

  • Anonymous

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Is it in the Menu of the site ?

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/9 2:06

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28


I have the files in the log folder CHMOD'ed tp 777, as the install states to do---I doubt that has anything to do with why the module isn't showing up in the admin menu (no offense intended).


No, it does not appear in three areas: admin menu, module admin rights for webmasters group [access], nor does it appear in the site menu.

I've tried another chat mod, Shoutbox, but that's a no-go as well: It installs okay but it doesn't show in the site menu either.

I've deactivated both of these mods for the time being...Any other chat mods worth looking at?

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/9 2:38

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Apparently, there's no admin folder for the XooPopChat mod so I imagine that's why it doesn't apper in the module admin rights for webmasters...there's not even an install.txt (and yes, I downloaded it from the other site).

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/9 3:51

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

I've been able to get the XooPopChat mod to work, but barely...It seems none of the old chat messages get 'dumped' and when a new chat window is opened, all the previous messages still show. Is there a way to fix this?

I also had to change the width of the popup window (it was way too narrow).

The last issue, and the most important, is getting this mod to display in a menu...

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/9 4:52

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Okay, fixed the mod appearing in the menu problem (update theme in admin was turned OFF) and only two problems remaining:

1. Old messages aren't cleared from the popup window.

2. Clicking on link to the chat itself redirects user from present page back to home page...this is the code from the modules/xoopopchat/index.php:

redirect_header(XOOPS_URL.'/',1,'Back to XOOPS soon');

What can I do to clear the old messages? Is there a way to dump them on exiting the chat session?

How do I allow users to stay on the page they're on when clicking on the chat link instead of being redirected to the home page? (commenting out the above code doesn't work)

Re: XooPopChat problem...
  • 2005/1/9 11:39

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

Sorry, I can't help you with any of those. I removed it because in it's present stage of development I could only see it being useful in small communities as a quick-contact tool.

I agree that the pop-up window size issue, Firefox problem, page redirect and message trail need to be addressed.

Might get more help on the developer's site forum.


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