I will show you in this tutorial how to install a Chat for XOOPS. Oh, I hear you here saying : "Oh no, yet another poorly designed and not user friendly chat !" False!!! Here you can see the beautiful and friendly users interface:
Yes, this is not an ordinary chat module - I'm talking about a chat that will allow you to: - Use a webcam / micro
- Use smileys
- Send flash emotions
- Send sounds
- Integrates
- Send images
- Use predefined messages
- Change background and skin...
- Include your avatar
- Change the font and text color...
- Draw
- Send "virtual gifts"
- and many other things
In addition, within the chat rooms, you could manage : - number of chat rooms - access (by password) - the maximum number of chatters in a chat room - moderators - various options (webcam, sound, virtual gifts...) - and many other things
Let me share with you my experience with this Chat system: - Level : experienced user (but doesn't need to be an expert) - Requirements: A Linux-based Web server like Virtual Private Server or dedicated servers for example. (It's also possible to use a 123flashchat server) - Constraints: free version allows only for 10 chatteurs at same time
If you would like to see a demo, please go to here and choose a chat room !
STEP 1 : Installation of 123flashchat on your server
Requirements: http://www.123flashchat.com/docs/v95/Server-Requirement
Download Linux version from http://www.123flashchat.com/download.html Follow the installation procedure (very easy) here : http://www.123flashchat.com/docs/v95/For-Linux-User STEP 2 : 123flashchat Configuration Now, you can show the Chat here: http://mysite.fr:35555
Admin management will be here: http://mysite.fr:35555/admin-panel.html
Login management (Single sign-on) : in fact, we could used the login/password table from XOOPS to use 123flashchat. We don't need to create another different login. You can use following data: - Parameter system - Integration Group - Database Host: localhost - Database Name: name of the XOOPS DB - Database User: name of the XOOPS DB user - Database password: password of the XOOPS DB - database user table: xxx_users - Username Field : uname - password field: pass - Enable MD5: YES STEP 3a : Interaction with XOOPS
Now, we could integrate this chat with XOOPS Download : http://www.123flashchat.com/download/xoops_mod_for_123flashchat.zip Follow installation procedure in the zip file (readme.txt)
- In the directory flashchatconf, Add an index.html file (just like another index.html file in XOOPS structure) - On flashchatconf, Edit config.php: $running_mode=1; (your own server) - On flashchatconf, edit config_local.php : -- $chat_client_root_path = "http://mysite.fr:35555/123flashchat.html"; -- $chat_data_path = "/opt/123FlashChat9.6/server/data/default/"; -- $primary_server_port = 35555;
- Modify the chatwinsize.php file at line 53: echo 'Go Chat !'; STEP 3b : Interaction with XOOPS (Block)Create a custom block, and add: include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/flashchatconf/config.php'; include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/functions_chat.php'; include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/chatwinsize.php'; Save in php mode. Inside the block you will find: number of chat rooms, number of connected chatters, and their names STEP 4 : Enjoy it !Finally :Sure, this is a very high level tutorial, but it's easy, just take some time to install and configure. If you have questions, please contact me directly, or post them in this forum thread. Append : - Admin : chat rooms type management
- Front office : http://www.123flashchat.com/docs/v95/View-Manual - Chat Rooms managment : http://www.123flashchat.com/docs/v95/Room-Settings-Manual