The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce that a new version of the Top 5 Finalist of 2010 Packt Open Source CMS - XOOPS 2.5.0 RC2 is available for download. Thanks to everybody who tested the RC1 and provided us with feedback and bug fixes!(Don't forget to vote for XOOPS:read here) The XOOPS 2.5.0release is a major redesign of the System Module which has been AJAX-ed with jQuery done mainly by Nicolas Andricq (ForMusS), Cointin Maxime (kraven_30), and Grégory Mage (Mage). Other major contributors include Trabis, Voltan, Kris_fr, and Marco. Some of the new features are truly amazing, like the visual placement of blocks, and we're sure that the users will love them Other major improvements/additions include: - Added: Help System for Admin and modules (see PM module) - Added: MySQL Dump in Maintenance - Added: New Redirect messaging - Added: Column sorting in tables - Added: smarty plugin for icon pack - Added: smarty plugin for breadcrumb navigation - Added: jQuery plugins for display popup or manage drag & drop - Added: File Manager (Plugin) - Added: Maintenance with Cache Clean-up, and Tables Maintenance - Added: Visual module ordering with drag & drop - Added: Visual block placement with drag & drop - Added: Refactor all PHP code for use XOOPS API - Added: Use template in the same way that front user, admin side for module can call a main template define in xoops_version.php - Added: Allow override of template in admin theme like frontend if we set template in ADMIN_THEME - Added: New variable 'system_menu' in xoops_version.php of each module, this variable generate a tab menu for module admin side if set to 1, this feature is for give one unique tab menu for all menu (eg: module PM for). - Added: add jquery plugin in xoops_lib - Added: change install for install admin template and admin setting - Added: manage editor for blocks, comments and for all module if module developper want to use it activate or deactivate system section - Added: choose number of line for admin section - Added: display or hide tips Avatar: - activate/deactivate avatar with ajax Banners: - jquery popup for display banners Block admin: - drag n drop block for manage position and weight - jquery popup for preview Comments: - multiple selection for deletion - purge Groups: - number of user per group - new disposition Images: - lightbox preview + thumbs Modulea Admin: - jquery popup for display info Preferences: - system settings Smilies: - activate/deactivate smilies with ajax Templates: - manage overide of all template online - generated file come from database User Rank: - activate/deactivate userrank with ajax Users: - advanced user management - new disposition - simple and advance search For a detailed Change log, please click here.Videos To see the main features of XOOPS 2.5.0, check out the following videos that were made for the Alpha release: a) In Spanish (by Uskola 2) b) In English (by Vamptrix) c) In English (by Mamba) d) In French (by tutoxoops)
Please remember: This is Release Candidate version for features testing only! DO NOT install it on a production site and DO NOT upgrade any production site with it! ==> New in this release - upgrading from older XOOPS versionDownload it from Sourceforge repository. Please post and discuss all issues related to this release in this forumWe also need help with Translations For installation information, please visit System requirements -----------------------------------
PHP: Any PHP version >= 5.2+
Please note: XOOPS 2.5.x series is tested and certified exclusively on PHP5: Read more here
MySQL: MySQL server 5.0+
Please note: XOOPS 2.5.x series is tested and certified exclusively on MySQL 5.0+:
Web server: Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended)
There are two packages: a) minimum (with only Core files and Protector Module) b) regular release (with PM and Profile modules, and with TinyMCE editor)
Your can get this release package from the Sourceforge file repository Both .zip and .gz archives are provided:
1. Copy the content of the htdocs/ folder where it can be accessed by your server 2. Ensure mainfile.php and uploads/ are writable by the web server 3. For security considerations, you are STRONGLY encouraged to move directories "/xoops_lib" (for XOOPS libraries) and "/xoops_data" (for XOOPS data) out of Document Root, and change the folder names. 4. Make the directory xoops_data/ writable; Create (if not already present) and make the directories xoops_data/caches/, xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/, xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ and xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ writable (permission 0777 on Linux). 5. Access the folder where you've installed the htdocs/ files using your web browser to launch the installation wizard 6. Follow the instructions
Upgrading from XOOPS 2.3.3 and 2.4.x (easy way) -------------------------------------------------
0. Get the right update package from the sourceforge file repository (coming soon) 1. Delete the /modules/system directory on your server (important to get rid of unneeded files) 2. Overwrite files in XOOPS directory on your server with the content of /htdocs * make sure that you copy the content of /xoops_lib to whatever directory you keep it on the server now (it should be your current XOOPS_TRUST_PATH directory), then delete the /xoops_lib directory. There can NOT be two directories with the content of /xoops_lib 3. If you have Protector previously installed, open the "mainfile.php" file , and remove the Pre-check and Post-check lines (if they exist):
include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ; include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ;
4. If you're upgrading from XOOPS 2.4.x, make the file /include/license.php writeable (permission 0777 on Linux) 5. Access /upgrade/ with a browser, and follow the instructions 6. Follow the instructions to update your database 7. Delete the "upgrade" folder from your server 8. Update the "system" module from the modules administration interface. Other modules, especially "Profile" and "Protector" are recommended to update as well
Upgrading from XOOPS 2.0.* above 2.0.14 and 2.2.* (using the full package) -------------------------------------------------------------------------
0. Unpack the archive to your LOCAL computer (e.g. PC) in a temporary directory. 1. Move the "upgrade" folder inside the "htdocs" folder (it's been kept out as it's not needed for full installs) on your local computer 2. Delete htdocs/mainfile.php, htdocs/install/, htdocs/cache/, htdocs/template_c/, htdocs/themes/ and htdocs/uploads/ from the "htdocs" folder on your LOCAL computer * if you have created XOOPS_TRUST_PATH folder on your server, copy the content of /xoops_lib to that directory, and delete /xoops_lib from the "htdocs" folder on your LOCAL computer 3. Delete the /modules/system directory on your server (important to get rid of unneeded files) 4. Upload the content of the /htdocs folder on your LOCAL computer over your existing files on your server 5. For security considerations, you are encouraged to move directories xoops_lib (for XOOPS libraries) and xoops_data (for XOOPS data) out of Document Root, and change the folder names. 6. Make the directory of xoops_data/ writable; Create and make the directories of xoops_data/caches/, xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/, xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ and xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ writable (permission 0777 on Linux). 7. Ensure the server can write to mainfile.php (permission 0777 on Linux) 8. If you have Protector previously installed, open the "mainfile.php" file , and remove the Pre-check and Post-check lines (if they exist):
include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ; include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ;
9. Access /upgrade/ with a browser, and follow the instructions 10. Follow the instructions to update your database 11. Write-protect mainfile.php again (permission 0444 on Linux) 12. Delete the "upgrade" folder from your server 13. Update the "system" module from the modules administration interface, other modules are recommended to update as well
Upgrading from any XOOPS ranging from 2.0.7 to (using the full package): -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0. Unpack the archive to your LOCAL computer (e.g. PC) in a temporary directory. 1. Move the "upgrade" folder inside the "htdocs" folder on your LOCAL computer (it's been kept separate as it's not needed for full installs) 2. Delete htdocs/mainfile.php, htdocs/install/, htdocs/cache/, htdocs/template_c/, htdocs/themes/ and htdocs/uploads/ from the "htdocs" folder on your LOCAL computer * if you have created XOOPS_TRUST_PATH folder on your server, copy the content of /xoops_lib to that directory, and delete /xoops_lib from the "htdocs" folder on your LOCAL computer 3. Delete the /modules/system directory on your server (important to get rid of unneeded files) 4. Upload the content of the htdocs folder on your LOCAL computer over your existing files on your server 5. Delete the following folders and files from your server (they belong to an old version): * class/smarty/core * class/smarty/plugins/resource.db.php 6. Ensure the server can write to mainfile.php (permission 0777 on Linux) 7. If you have Protector previously installed, open the "mainfile.php" file , and remove the Pre-check and Post-check lines (if they exist):
include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ; include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/' ;
8. For security considerations, you are encouraged to move directories xoops_lib (for XOOPS libraries) and xoops_data (for XOOPS data) out of document root, or even change the folder names. 9. Make the directory of xoops_data/ writable; Create and make the directories of xoops_data/caches/, xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/, xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ and xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ writable (permission 0777 on Linux). 10. Access /upgrade/ with a browser, and follow the instructions 11. Write-protect mainfile.php again (permission 0444 on Linux) 12. Delete the "upgrade" folder from your server 13. Update the "system" module from the modules administration interface, other modules are recommended to update as well
Upgrading a non UTF-8 site: UTF-8 encoding has been introduced into XOOPS 2.3 as default charset. However, there might be some problems with converting existing websites from non UTF-8 charset to UTF-8. Before there is a good enough solution for this conversion, following settings are recommended when you upgrade an existing website if you are not an experienced user: - Select "Do not change" option in "Database character set and collation" step during upgrade process - Modify /languages/yourlanguage/global.php to use existing _CHARSET value if it has been changed to UTF-8 in your new global.php file as
define('_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');
Upgrading XOOPS Editors: In the XOOPS package, there are four Editors included: dhtmltextarea and textarea for plain text, CKeditor and TinyMCE for WYSIWYG HTML. There are six additional WYSIWYG Editors available: FCKeditor, Koivi, NiceEdit, Wymeditor, Xinha, and Spaw2 that you can download from XOOPS SourceForge ( Since there are some directory structure changes in both fckeditor and tinymce editors, you are recommended to remove existent editors before uploading the new additors. And if you are using FCKeditor for modules, please modify module specific configs following the files in /fckeditor/modules/, especially if you use "Article" module.
Debug information display level -----------------------------------
Since XOOPS 2.3.1 debug information display level is enabled as a temporary solution for 2.3* to show debug information to different level of users: to all users, to members or to admins only. The configuration can be set in /xoops_data/configs/xoopsconfig.php A new debug information tools will be available for 2.4 using FireBug (see
The full XOOPS package is released with a script able to check if all the system files have been correctly uploaded to the server. To use it, follow these instructions:
1. Upload the checksum.php and checksum.md5 files located in the XOOPS package root to your XOOPS server folder (putting them next to mainfile.php). 2. Execute checksum.php with your browser 3. If necessary, re-upload the missing or corrupted system files 4. Remove checksum.php and checksum.md5 from your server
Modules -----------------------------------
This release contains only the "system-related modules". You are invited to browse the XOOPS modules repository to if you need additional functionality. Note: as a new repository is being built, the current repository is not up-to-date, PLEASE VISIT INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPERS' WEBSITES TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING LATEST VERSION OF MODULES.