Xoops-Miniservers (portable localhost development)

Date 2009/8/7 5:40:00 | Topic: Developer News

The Xoops-Miniservers Project provides WAMP mini-servers (Apache + MySql + Php to Windows) with the CMS XOOPS (Content Management System Xoops) already installed and ready to user's customizes.

Original Image

The miniservers available (until now) are:







Xampp (lite)

Main features:

Index page (welcome) integred to Xoops directory and documentation (docs, on these versions, incomplete).

Xoops 2.3.3 already installed and configured.

Admin Modules package already installed and configured: Altsys 0.7, Avaman 0.21, Backpack 0.93, Contact 1.6 (with captcha), Membership 2.3, Mysearch 1.1 (with bugfix), Xoopscare 1.3, Xoopsmembers 1.1 and XT-Temas 1.0.

Blog package already installed and configured: Mastop Publish 1.1 (with bugfix to Xoops 2.3.3) and AMS 2.51 final.

Custom server generated directory indices (with Snif - simple and nice index file).

Apanel servers, phpMyadmin, Xoops and modules translated into portuguese (of Brasil).

All servers are portable.

Change logs, allowing easy upgrade and expansion of translations.

Download: http://code.google.com/p/xoops-miniservers/

The Xoops-Miniservers Team

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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