Another Site on xoops 2.3- Academy Of Life

Date 2008/10/25 22:30:00 | Topic: YAXS

Academy of life is a charitable trust working towards making people self empowered to live there lives happily. Its a sister concern of International Academy Of Life.

Original Image

The site is based on the following modules:
1. Mastop publish
2. Smartsection
3. Extgallery
4. Tell a friend
5. Multimenu
6. Marquee
7. Iframe

And Xoops 2.3.1

I will like to thank all the xoops community, for providing such a great CMS. For somebody with no programming knowledge I have been able to make 3 sites with it and I am sure many more are to follow.

Also just let me know of how you find the site and the ways to make it better.

Thanks again.
btw site url

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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