Video Tube Prepares For Version 1.7

Date 2008/8/5 4:46:45 | Topic: Modules

For beta testing purposes we have decided to make small incremental releases beginning with v1.61 and continuing through v1.69. Each release will contain bug fixes and some of the new features intended for Video Tube v1.7. By trying out these releases you are helping us to ensure the next production release is bug free.

These releases will be available for download at

We are currently at version 1.61 which contains a couple bug fixes plus a really cool new Portable Video Preview feature.

Original Image

The static video overlay used in the Search feature to preview a video prior to submitting has been replaced by a Portable Video Preview Overlay. You can define the overlay size, it's initial screen location, the window background color, border color and border size. The user can drag and drop the video preview to any desired location. It retains the last screen location and clicking another thumbnail while a preview is already playing simply closes the preview instead of causing errors like the original did.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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