DayDawn Online, yet another Acida Software website runs XOOPS

Date 2008/7/23 18:50:00 | Topic: YAXS

Acida Software is now using XOOPS for it's site for their newest game in developement, DayDawn Online. We've being trying several solutions, like WordPress, SMF and PHPbb but those simply couldn't achieve what we wanted, so we turned to XOOPS, and it hasn't disapointed us

Original Image

The site runs XOOPS 2.3 Beta, and is running several modules:
* the Contact module
* NewBB
* the News module
* Protector
* ThAdmin
* XoopsPolls
and several currently not used modules:
* WordPress for XOOPS
* MyTabs

We're using a few themes, and 3 of them are costumized:
* Pop_black2
* Firefox
* Pixelgreen
And the others are:
* Zetagenesis
* Default

We hope you like the site.. You can find it at :)

The Acida Software Team.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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