Blue Ice Theme now on Sale

Date 2008/2/4 1:39:25 | Topic: YAXS

HI all,

I'm not sure if it's ok to post about Themes for sale, but my Blue Ice Theme is now on sale at for $29.95 USD . Follow the links to the ThemesShop.

Original Image


Blue Ice is my first Premium Theme and I've put a lot of time into ensuring it's ready and it has been tested in IE and Firefox browsers and has passed W3C CSS standards and HTML standards for the theme.html and stylesheet.

You can read more about it in my Premium Themes Shop on my site, and also in this previous article I posted here not long ago

There is only the one Premium Theme available at the moment, but there are more in the works at moment. I still have Free Themes available and that will continue, along with the Premium Themes.

Thank you and I hope you Enjoy my Themes, free or premium :) tc :)

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