Updates on the XOOPS Project as of December 2007

Date 2007/12/3 22:37:13 | Topic: XOOPS

The XOOPS official website http://www.xoops.org is approaching its 6 year anniversary.

In the past weeks, some critical issues have been resolved, including the usage of XOOPS official domain, the setup of XOOPS new server, the migration of XOOPS websites.

Now the XOOPS community is moving faster towards a better open source future.

1) The XOOPS Official Website Hosting

It soon will be six years since the original launch of the XOOPS official website http://www.xoops.org.
In the past few years the XOOPS official website has received hosting and management services from EPC, Inc.
Due to changes in EPC's business interests, the XOOPS Project Council started seeking alternative hosting for the last couple of months.
After two weeks conversation the XOOPS council decided on Surpass Hosting, Inc., who are well known to the XOOPS community.
They have provided the XOOPS Project with a dedicated server at 50% discount.
The cost of this has been paid by the XOOPS Project Council with their own donation.

2) The XOOPS Official Domain name

The XOOPS official websites will consist of the XOOPS core development site at Sourceforge and the main websites using sub-domains of xoops.org.
Two weeks ago Mr. Ono Kazumi (a.k.a. Onokazu, the XOOPS project founder), transferred xoops.org DNS to Taiwen Jiang (a.k.a. phppp, the XOOPS lead developer). The domain name xoops.org is now pointing to the new XOOPS server.

3) Community Driven Collaboration

The XOOPS Council was created to help guide towards a better open source future, it aims are to combine the efforts from all different contributors, by any means possible.
Now that several critical issues have been solved, the XOOPS Project is able to move forward much faster as a community driven project.
During the process of server migration, some destroyed contents on http://www.xoops.org have been restored, including some user accounts and their posts which were removed by some hacks in the past weeks. However dev.xoops.org contents are not able to restore due to lack of adequate backups. The development wiki will be moved to http://www.xoops.org wiki manually.

4) What's Next?

(1) Continuation of the community driven management structural proposals.
(2) Continuing and formulating the sites redesigning, led by the XOOPS Theme Design Team.
(3) Clarifying XOOPS documentation by combining xoops.org documents with the existing community docs and wiki sites. This will be continued and maintained by the documentation team and communities support.
(4) Improved XOOPS repositories by combining the existing xoops.org repositories (core, module and theme) with the module dev.xoops.org and the Sourceforge repository.
A repository team will maintain this centralized repository to provide XOOPS with an organized and up to date resource. A new repository module will be developed to help with better module information synchronization.
The current module development site needs maintenance and will need fixing. A development guide team will take responsibility of rebuilding dev.xoops.org, with the team members consisting of core development, third party module developers, theme designers and contributors.
(5) The release of XOOPS 2.0.18 will be mainly for security fixes.

XOOPS Project Council
December 3rd, 2007

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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