Official request XOOPS Project's servers and usage of official domains

Date 2007/10/9 7:50:01 | Topic: XOOPS

Due to the unexpected emergency happened in the past two days and slow response from XOOPS Foundation [refer to "emergency in the past two days"], the XOOPS Project Council realizes that it is time to request the XOOPS Foundation to clarify its role and position in the XOOPS Project.

Hereby the XOOPS Project Council makes the official request to the Foundation :

  1. 1. Hand over XOOPS Project servers to the XOOPS Project Council then managed by the XOOPS Technical Group
  2. 2. Give full access to usage of domains that claimed by the Foundation to be used for the XOOPS Project, including the DNS of
  3. 3. A clear statement of the Foundation's organization and its membership
  4. 4. Clarification its role and position in the Open Source Project of XOOPS
  5. 5. Publish a financial report with balance sheet, a profit/loss statement and cash flow statement.

The XOOPS Project Council looks forward to cooperating with the Foundation in any positive way to make the XOOPS Project moving forward.

However the XOOPS Project Council has to publish the official request after six days no response from the Foundation via a personal email sent by phppp ( who was Council Chairman of September and responsible making monthly report for September at the time) on October 3rd to herko (who is the current Foundation Chairman).

In the email phppp asked questions concerning XOOPS Foundation as well the domain of which is held by herko as personal domain instead of as a Project domain nor a foundation domain. Herko promised to reply soon but the Council has not got any response yet by now.

The domain owner has also been contacted, no response yet.

The XOOPS Project Council
October 9th, 2007

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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