AM Reviews module preview

Date 2007/1/24 22:50:19 | Topic: Modules

I'm pleased to announce the second preview of AM Reviews, my review module for XOOPS2.

This module has been a long time in development, mainly due to other projects and life getting in the way, but finally I am actually getting close to a public beta release.

The preview or the module can be seen at and an example review here

o sub categories
o group permissions on categories
o e-mail to friend
o print version
o pdf version
o css based rate images
o supports lightbox for highlight images (this can also be used for images in the review by adding a small bit of code to the image link).
o Configurable page title for SEO
o Configurable meta tags for SEO
o Multiple pages

And more...

There's still things to do, like a user submit page, various blocks and notifications. A public beta release should be available within the next week or two.

Anyway, if this module interests you, I'd appreciate it if you could provide some feedback.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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