CBB 4.0 seeking UI designers

Date 2006/8/22 13:50:00 | Topic: Modules

The CBB 4.0 is being developed and the following Team Members are needed:

UI designers: responsible for end-user page, moderator page and module admin page design, and template buildinng.

Feature designer/tester: responsible for new feature proposal and existing feature evaluation upon performance and scalability.

Documentation and tutorial makers

The SVN:

And the trackers:
Bug reports: http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/tracker/?atid=104&group_id=1001&func=browse

Feature requests: http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/tracker/?atid=107&group_id=1001&func=browse

Other: http://dev.xoops.org/modules/xfmod/tracker/?group_id=1001

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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