phpsitemapNG for XOOPS

Date 2005/11/6 15:00:00 | Topic: Modules

phpsitemapNG for XOOPS

This module will "spider" your website and generate a xml document to be used with Google Sitemaps. This is helpful in telling google what pages are important on your site, which in turn, can enhance your SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

This module is a port of the original work of To download the original version of this script, please visit

XOOPS 2.0.x or 2.2.x
Google Sitemaps Account (

This script can consume a great deal of resources if it is not configured correctly. Be mindful of how you configure this script, esle you may get a 500 Internal server error. For more information on known issues with this script, please visit

1. Extract the folder "phpsitemap" in a tempoarary directory and upload it to your directory.

2. Go to System Admin >> Modules Administration and install this module, like any other module. If you do not know how to install a module, please visit

3. Copy the sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz files in your XOOPS root directory (i.e.:

4. Visit for guidelines on how to configure this script for your environment.

Add global language options for translation to other languages. (volunteers welcome!)

I have preconfigured this script with "safe" settings that should work well with most hosting environments and site configurations. The default configuration of phpsitemapNG returned a lot of results for rate link, modify link, comment, submit, etc. The configuration I've included eliminates these results, thus further enhancing SERPs.

This module has been thoroughly tested with XOOPS 2.0.x and 2.2.x and does not seem to have any problems. I'm listing it as BETA (version 0.1) until the community has a chance to verify my findings.

You can view a sitemap.xml example that was generated by this module at

Download Link: phpsitemapNG for XOOPS

Thank you,

James Morris

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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