jadoogaran now running with xoops2.2

Date 2005/8/6 19:31:24 | Topic: YAXS

whttp://www.jadoogaran.org is the first persian Harry Potter site with about 2 gigs of bandwidth daily and more than 3000 users.
We started it with XOOPS about 2 years ago.
Also we have a gallery with +2600 pics.
Now thanks to profile module (to mithrandir) we upgrade to xoops 2.2 and add some custom fields in profile for role playing characters we already have in rpg forums of our site.
The extensible profile module is exactly what we need for months.
In brief XOOPS 2.2 is a fantastic release from xoops team especially for community base web sites. THANK YOU ALL

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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