icontent 4.5 Final

Date 2004/1/11 18:39:28 | Topic: Modules

First of all I would like to say happy new year for the xoops community.

Then to begin this year, I released the last version of icontent module, the 4.5. Icontent is a html page management module with a lot of features like url automatic correction, automatic remove of header content, comments, votes, search, page upload, page download, online modification with wysiwyg editor, online creation of page and category, powerfull access management with the xoops groups etc...

I hope you will enjoy this.

Download : http://www.vivihome.net/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=5&lid=14

Changelog : http://www.vivihome.net/modules/icontent/index.php?page=9

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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