How to minimize Spam registrations by bots?
To minimize spam registrations, do the following:
1) go to the Protector module in Admin, go to Preferences, and then at the bottom, at this option:
"Stop Forum Spam" Checks POST data against spammers registered on database.
Set it to "Ban the IP (no limit)"
2) in /class/captcha/config.php, make sure that the mode is set as "text":
return $config = array(
'disabled' => false, // Disable CAPTCHA
'mode' => 'text', // default mode, you can choose 'text', 'image', 'recaptcha'(requires api key)
'name' => 'xoopscaptcha', // captcha name
'skipmember' => true, // Skip CAPTCHA check for members
'maxattempts' => 10, // Maximum attempts for each session
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