How do check my site for faults?

Requested by Carnuke and Answered by Jdseymour on 2005/1/9 20:20:44

How do check my site for faults?

If you suspect that your site may have faults there are several tools built into Xoops that can help diagnose the problem.

The first is PHP Debug Mode that enables PHP errors to show on the screen. The following Flash tutorial shows you how to enable this useful mode as well as observe some sample output:

NOTE: You do not need to register on this site to see the tutorials. Simply scroll down. They load lwer in the page.

PHP Debug Tutorial

The second tool is Mysql/Blocks Debug. This gives a popup out put of MySQL queries as well as other useful information. In this Flash tutorial you will learn how to enable MySQL/Blocks Debug mode as well as see sample output:

MySQL Debug Tutorial

The third tool built into Xoops is the Smarty Templates Debug mode. It is very useful not only for troubleshooting problems but also to assist in design of themes and templates. It shows the Smarty Variables and what they are assigned to on a given page. The following Flash tutorial shows you how to enable Smarty Template Debug mode as well as sample output:

Smarty Template Debug Tutorial

I hope that these tutorials help you to keep a healthy and trouble free website.

This Q&A was found on XOOPS Web Application System :