Hi, my provider just updated the server where I have installed xoops and now I have this error message

"XOOPS path check: Script is not inside XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and cannot run."

Could someone point me to the right direction to solve this problem. Thanks.

Requested by Gonzoweb and Answered by Mamba on 2008/6/22 14:29:18

Hi, my provider just updated the server where I have installed xoops and now I have this error message

"XOOPS path check: Script is not inside XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and cannot run."

Could someone point me to the right direction to solve this problem. Thanks.

From this thread: if your using cpanel your path should be /home/yourcpanelusername/public_html/yourxoopsdir or try this create path.php in your home directory then put this content and open it to view your path


This Q&A was found on XOOPS Web Application System : https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=687