Is it possible to set up more than one user with access to the administration menus? It seems that Webmaster is not enough.

I am using 2.0.15 if that makes a difference.


Requested by WildWillyIII and Answered by Carnuke on 2006/11/10 20:23:25

Is it possible to set up more than one user with access to the administration menus? It seems that Webmaster is not enough.

I am using 2.0.15 if that makes a difference.


Yes, you can create another group and give this group admin rights to any module including the main admin module itself. All you need to do now is assign a user(s) to this group and s/he will have admin rights as per the group settings.

Any number of groups can be create like this with varying degrees of admin rights as selected in the groups page.

Things can get complicated when administrating this type of system, so plan your permissions and groups carefully,

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