everytime I try to log in my admin menu, i find this notification: "This is your first time to enter the administration section. Press the button below to proceed."
there are two choices there: "submit" and "cancel", when I try to submit the risult is: "filed to open file", give me solution pls

Requested by Thariq and Answered by Anderssk on 2007/7/8 15:17:16

everytime I try to log in my admin menu, i find this notification: "This is your first time to enter the administration section. Press the button below to proceed."
there are two choices there: "submit" and "cancel", when I try to submit the risult is: "filed to open file", give me solution pls

First time You log in the administrations menu, a file named adminmenu.php is created in directory ..\cache\

Therefore the permissions in the ..\cache\ directory have to be 777

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