How can I track down the cause of excessive database queries?
--- Original details submitted by David_L on 2005/4/19 0:01:56 Here's a hack you can use to log all database queries, along with some information that identifies the user. You'll need to change "/example/path" to specify the path to a writable directory for the log files. This directory should be protected from viewing from a web browser. A new log file is created each hour. The log files may consume a lot of disk space, so monitor them. class/database/mysqldatabase.php (function queryF in class XoopsMySQLDatabase)
#*#DEBUG# - start
$logdir = '/example/path'; ### path to writable directory ###
$logext = 'log'; // log file extension
$now = time();
$ymdhms = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now);
$ymdh = date('Y-m-d-H', $now);
$sql_q = addcslashes($sql, "rnt");
$logfile = "$logdir/$ymdh.$logext";
error_log("[$ymdhms] [{$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]}] [{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}] [{$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}] [{$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]}] [$sql_q]n", 3, $logfile);
chmod($logfile, 0666);
#*#DEBUG# - end
$result =& mysql_query($sql, $this->conn);
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