Is there an easy way to find the exact width of a left or right block so that I can created an image to fit the entire block?

Requested by Martyboy and Answered by Aph3x on 2007/6/12 7:58:15

Is there an easy way to find the exact width of a left or right block so that I can created an image to fit the entire block?

Width of left and right block/column is usualy set in the style.css document of a XOOPS theme as seen below:

For left column/block

td#leftcolumn {width: 180px;font-size:12px;}

For right column/block

td#rightcolumn {width: 180px;font-size:12px;}

The codes above are self-explanatory and by modifying the width value your block/column will get wider/shrink according to the entered value

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