How can I get my XOOPS site to run with IIS & Windows XP?

Requested and Answered by Hervet on 2004/12/16 18:22:52

How can I get my XOOPS site to run with IIS & Windows XP?

Do you get blank pages after installing XOOPS on a IIS server under Windows XP? This is because Apache and IIS handle some server variables differently. You can solve it by changing:

In common.php, replace the line:

$xoopsRequestUri = $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ];

with :

$xoopsRequestUri = $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ];

This is also available when the installation is finished and when you are trying to do anything in the admin part of your website but just receive :

selected module does not exist

This Q&A was found on XOOPS Web Application System :