How do I remove a module from the system?

Requested and Answered by Carnuke on 2004/10/29 18:46:26

How do I remove a module from the system?

Uninstalling Modules To uninstall a module, you first deactivate it, then uninstall it, and optionally remove its files. Here's the procedure, step by step: a) Go to your admin area and select System > Modules. There you will see a list of your registered modules. b) The fourth column has the label "Active", as well as a checkmark for every active module. Unmark the module you want to uninstall and press "Send". c) You'll go to a confirmation page where the desired change is highlighted in red. Just press "Send" to confirm. d) You'll receive a success message stating that "Module Whatchamacallit successfully deactivated". Now click on the link "Back to module administration". e) Back in the System > Modules page, in the sixth column ("Action") you see -er- action icons. The module you just deactivated will have an additional icon at the center, showing a tiny red light. This icon's action is to delete the modue. Click on the icon. f) You'll go to another confirmation page asking you if you're sure you want to uninstall. Click "Yes". g) You'll see a page with the changes just made: essentially what happens is the module is left out of XOOPS' logic, even though the physical files still reside on the server. In fact, click on "Back to module administration"... h) ... and you'll be back to System > Modules, but now the module won't be on the registered modules list, but at the bottom of the page, among the modules that are available in XOOPS' modules directory but haven't been installed. i) That's it! Note that uninstalling a module deletes all content associated with that module - the tables defined by the module are dropped, and all blocks, templates, config options, comments, notifications, etc. associated with the module are removed from the database. The module files, however, are not deleted; if you wish to do so, you must do so manually. --- Additional details submitted by Jdseymour on 13-Jan-2005 03:37 I would like to add to this excellent answer on module removal. This flash tutorial will show the basic steps in module removal. See the Module Uninstall Tutorial

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