How secure will my Xoops website be?

Requested and Answered by Carnuke on 2004/11/23 18:01:08

How secure will my Xoops website be?

Xoops takes security very seriously. Looking back over the previous xoops version updates, we see frequent changes to improve security as well as features and functions.

1- It is therefore recommended that your first step to making sure your site is secure is to install or upgrade to the latest version of Xoops.

2- Make sure every folder in your public files has an index file in it.

3- only give read write execute permissions to files/ folders in strict guidlines to scripts requirements.

4- Wherever you use login/ password information, make sure you select strings that follow security guidlines.

5- Select public file uploads mime types carefully excluding types that are known to carry malicious code.

6- Backup ypour site files and database frequently and know how to restore your site.

7- Learn how to use .htaccess files. See this FAQ What ia a '.htaccess' file and How do I use a htaccess file?

8- If you are allowing users to participate in forum, news, upload, or other type of data upload, check your site content frequently, or consider moderation features untill your users are trusted.

See also this FAQ How do I protect my site from malicious attack?

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