XOOPS Web Application System (https://xoops.org)

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Yogurt Social Network 3.2 (RC1)

Category : Modules | Published by Mamba on 18-Apr-2008 05:21
The XOOPS Project https://xoops.org,
JQuery Lightbox2 http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/,
Jquery Tabs http://stilbuero.de/jquery/tabs/,
Komeia http://www.komeia.com

Contributors information
Marcello Brandão

Email marcello dot brandao at gmail dot com

Module Development details
Release date 2008-04-18
Status RC

Official support site
xoops.org in english
http://www.marcellobrandao.eti.br in any language
http://sourceforge.net/projects/galeriayogurt in any language

Release Information:

13/04/2008 New features: Fans page Notifications upon new friend petition

07/04/2008 Bugs fixed:
1933366 Redirect page when user does not exist. gibaphp
1904670 Textual error: "see your emails" dBrazil
1933885 No avatar for userid above 100
1902089 filename for thumbnail is too long frogx
1888645 yogurt.css 1888643 cr in scraps
1888640 display error with right column
1888639 too much friends, no second page
1886972 avatar in scraps 1886412 notification is not sent to PM for new scraps notifications
1886319 website url in user's profile

31/01/2008 Version 3.0 BETA 2
Translations removed from the release as it was too hard to maintain all of them up to date

Bugs report:
Most of them corrected, some I could not reproduce
1844542 tribes insert [saba]
1844582 Some definitions not in lang files [irmtfan]
1849511 If I use yogurt as profile page I can't upload avatar
1844586 place holder for main video and avatar [irtmfan]
1844541 true videos problem [saba]
1844538 blank video area after insert [pewy]
1844530 Main video doesn t disapear [maxxy]
1840158 upload path in templates [feightl]
1880026 Adding embed code for video URL
1877872 send notification in PM not working
1877874 reject friend language
1854035 Main Menu
1849485 Show All in user info error
1788733 Private configs
1854153 Private images disappear
1858658 Two Notices in php debug
1854039 Notification Bug
1854042 friend list - AVATAR
1862190 avatar bugs
1854038 redirect confusion
1854036 no avatar in friendship config setting
1852981 New Feature-User Album
1851942 missing semicolon in french file
1844587 repeated definitions [irtmfan]
1844552 no search on yogurt [takeaweb]
1844590 album page missing requirements [patrick80]
1854041 Typo
1875338 notification.inc scrap $item['url']
1844585 Ugly license [irtmfan] 1854617 misredirect
1849019 installation error
1848654 Private Messenger No Longer Works
1845594 Xoops new members block linking
1844583 module name not in modinfo.php [irtmfan]
1844591 protect email address [patrick80]
1844559 User contributions remains exploded [takeaweb]
1876676 Private Message bug in My Friends Block
1845327 delete scrap
1844589 lang definitions missing [eparcyl]
1844560 error on search.php [takeaweb]
1844570 misredirection to user un myfriends box[ctoa]
1844558 star smile, heart problem with ie [takeaweb]
1844556 view all not defined [takeaweb]
1844555 you can upload only... not defined [takeaweb]
1844554 _MI_YOGURT_FRIENDS_DESC not defined [takeaweb]
1844553 scrap error on ie on delete [takeaweb]
1844549 xoops.js $ click smilies doesn t work [maxxy]
1844546 album: newest first [maxxy]
1844545 last pictures point to profile not album [maxxy]
1844543 fatal error in xoops cube legacy [pewy]
1844537 blank page after del in scraps[pewy]
1844536 last picture block qtty [maxxy]
1844533 can t set avatar [maxxy]
1844535 user listed in visitors of the profile [maxxy]
1851078 French translation
1844520 ENGINE=MyISAM I can't install it. [sinoer]
1844518 in yogurt_visitors the column datetime no present [takeaweb]
1802818 Imagem modelo de tribo dando pau
1783746 link to album won't show for anonyms

Visit https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=browse&group_id=204109&atid=988288 and help this project reporting your bugs too