New XOOPS 2 Site Up

Date 2003/2/19 15:22:45 | Topic: YAXS

I'm not tooting my horn here but, I did want to let everyone know that I've bitten the bullet and used the RC2 to upgrade my production site

That was a walk in the park. What I want to show is that with the new XOOPS 2 theme'ing system, more things are possible without coding PHP. I took the Default theme and modified it to suit my needs. In the near future I will be doing a lot more cool things with CSS and the theme system. Understand that there are no hacks here, I only used CSS and modified the templates.

Hopefully by next week, I'll have a mini theme how-to in the XOOPS wiki ( to give you some guidelines on how to accomplish this same thing. Stay tuned.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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