A new HTML 5 and Responsive Theme for XOOPS!

Date 2013/3/17 4:00:00 | Topic: Themes

Today I am releasing another theme for XOOPS developed using Theme Factory.

Theme Factory is a framework for developing responsive themes for XOOPS, and in this version it is fully HTML5-based, and integrated with Bootstrap.

Original Image

See online: http://demo.xoopsfire.com/index.php?xoops_theme_select=themefactory-html5

Screens: http://xoopsfire.com/modules/extgallery/public-album.php?id=41

Download: http://xoopsfire.com/modules/TDMDownloads/singlefile.php?cid=22&lid=83

Hope you enjoy!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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