[Free and Commercial] Two new themes for XOOPS!

Date 2012/7/16 2:54:36 | Topic: Themes

Hello! I bring two new themes for XOOPS, xWhite (commercial theme) and xEasy (free theme).

• xEasy:

- See Online: http://bit.ly/M1g0JO

- Download: http://bit.ly/M1fZFC

- Screen:
Original Image

- More Screens: http://bit.ly/M1fT0V

• xWhite

- See Online: http://bit.ly/M1gEHo

- Screen:
Original Image

- More Screens: http://bit.ly/M1guQi

- Purchase:
Contact me or send me a PM.

Hope you enjoy.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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