Xoops Html Classes v1.1
Date 2012/1/19 18:10:00 | Topic: Hacks
| In the previous version, I included only three classes in the package, it will include 19 excluding of course the form tag we already use with classes xoopsform. It can then use these classes directly in xoops since I added the needed files from libraries that attract the same classes in the core.
xoopshtmlloader.php xoopsload.php
It 's always recommended to test in locally, using a virtual server like WampServer, in tutorials, in the same section explains how to integrate them in our files for xoops.
In the class/xoopshtml folder, are included these class files:
xoopshtmlanchor.php xoopshtmlanchoredlistitem.php xoopshtmlblock.php xoopshtmlbookmark.php xoopshtmlcomment.php xoopshtmlelement.php xoopshtmlheader.php xoopshtmlimage.php xoopshtmlimageanchor.php xoopshtmllist.php xoopshtmllistitem.php xoopshtmlpage.php xoopshtmlparagraph.php xoopshtmlspan.php xoopshtmltable.php xoopshtmltablecaption.php xoopshtmltablecell.php xoopshtmltableheadercell.php xoopshtmltablerow.php
It is considering whether it was necessary to include other classes, as more and more, than mentioned above, the html tags.
Soon it will be appropriate explication for this created a tutorial in the tutorial section of my site
Timgno - TXMod Xoops Team