XOOPS HTML Classes v1.0

Date 2011/10/23 23:01:32 | Topic: XOOPS

I created classes for the attributes to be included in HTML pages to facilitate the rewriting of several lines of recursive code. There are only 4 classes for now, but I'm working to create all the attributes that relate to this, except for the forms that already exist in the class / xoopsform.

A test by the team is necessary, for possible inclusion in future versions of xoops.

WARNING: These classes are to be tested because they are not yet complete for inclusion with the Core. Know use by testing out of XOOPS, as I type on the WAMP Server from http://www.wampserver.com

- XoopsHtmlHeading
- XoopsHtmlTable
- XoopsHtmlTableCaption
- XoopsHtmlTableHeaderCell
- XoopsHtmlTableCell
- XoopsHtmlTableRow
- XoopsHtmlDiv
- XoopsHtmlParagraph
- XoopsHtmlBookmark
- XoopsHtmlBlock
- XoopsHtmlSpan
- XoopsHtmlImage
- XoopsHtmlComment
- XoopsHtmlList
- XoopsHtmlListItem

These can be used in conjunction with smarty templates and themes.

Eg: for the header in theme, in the theme.html file just enter the variables smarty, html - head - title - meta - link - script - body and manipulate the code from the core or a module in administration.

I look forward to your feedback



This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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