Benchmark 1.05 is a module for bench testing and bench marking the MySQL and Smarty Services of XOOPS. It offer a wide range of statistics and has several different tests done in a cron. Notably this was developed for the futherment of the XOOPS Platform and has been written to fill in the gaps of stress testing and benchmarking of the XOOPS Code.
Currently the following tests are on offer:
Create tables
Select records
Update records
Insert records
Delete individually
Delete Alll
Update All
Smarty Function Tests
Results browsing
Low load cron for testing
Export of results
You may not personally have any use for this module unless you wanted to bench test your XOOPS Install, this has been written so we can fill in the statistical gap in bench tests we see on the web, that is also utilising the class structure system of XOOPS so same code applies.
Watch this video if you want to have a bit of a squizz at the application