Ninja Warrior Arts - Goes Multisite

Date 2011/4/27 22:47:28 | Topic: YAXS

Ninja Warrior Arts has gone multisite, it now runs on two domains which are:

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Female Warrior Arts

Welcome to Female Warrior Arts

ninja training blends historical perspectives and creative, up-to-date applications. The ninjutsu combat system is based on natural body motion and knowledge of the human body's weak points.

The basic study curriculum includes training in the following areas, these areas are graded internally:

* Ninpo Taijutsu - Ninjutsu's unarmed combat, which includes junan taiso (body flexibility), taihenjutsu (roll, leaps and evasions), dakentaijutsu (strikes, kicks and blocking) and jutaijutsu (grappling, throwing and choking).

* Buki Training - Instruction in weaponry including bojutsu (stickfighting), kenjutsu (sword and knife), sojutsu (spearfighting), juttejutsu (truncheon), kusarigama (sickle and chain) and hojojutsu (rope arresting techniques).

* Shinobi Iri - Methods of dealing with difficult situations.

* Seishin Teki Kyoho - Meditation and methods for developing a mental balance.

Ninjutsu epitomizes the fullest concept of self-protection through martial training. The way of the ninja is the way of enduring, surviving and prevailing over all that would destroy one.

Ninjutsu is centuries old, if you would like to read on the origins of the ninja and development of ninjutsu over this time please click on the links provided, advanced curriculum covers a broader aspect of the 18 Skills of the Ninja.

Please contact us if you would like to view a class or have further enquiries about membership - if you are wondering about costs and rates please click on the link. Classes are held regularly throughout Sydney, and affiliate dojos are located throughout Australia.

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