The Shower Has been Upgraded
Date 2011/3/15 22:57:05 | Topic: YAXS
| Geeks Shower Hydropowered Fun for Bathroom Ethics and Internet Physics
Did you know that one of the law of physics is that "Every Action has an oppersite and equal reaction!" what this means is with the internet it physically reproduces sometime in a minor way and sometimes in a major way with the world around us. This is appliable with chaos theorm.
This is caused by a complex array of humanology physics such as character recognition and domain abstractions. This is the geeks shower, if you want to target someone in the shower then just upload their image or place a comment in the forum about the individual, it will reproduce itself in the water courses around them.
The Geeks Shower started as a fun exciting exploration of the physics of the bathroom and the internet. You can sign up a username today for all the power of the geeks in the shower. Including weapons manufactures and appliable for any species that showers or baths.
We have upgraded to XOOPS 2.5.x which went flawlessly the modules running on this XOOPS Installation is as follows:
- Myalbum-p 2.84
- xNews 1.69
- xForum 5.7x
- Profile 1.6
- Tags 2.x
- xPayment 1.3
- X-JSON 1.50
- X-cURL 1.50
- X-SOAP 4.4
- Spiders 2.66
- Xortify 2.30
- Protector 3.2
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