Publisher Module with Disqus

Date 2011/2/13 9:30:00 | Topic: Modules

Publisher is one of the best article module for XOOPS. Many websites are using it. However, it still uses the old-fashioned XOOPS comment system, which is not quite user-friendly.

I was working on some projects that uses Publisher, and I decided to integrate Disqus service to Publisher, to give it a modern look.

The modified version is based on latest SVN check-out version (checked out on 2011-2-13) and is quite stable according to my test on XOOPS 2.5.

To use this module, you have to:

1. Register an account on
2. Add a website, and remember the “short name”
3. Open publisher/templates/publisher_footer.htm and replace
var disqus_shortname 'example'

with your own short name.

The result looks like this:

Original Image

Click to enlarge

Download Page, Please choose “” from the list.

P.S. the homepage of the website (although it has nothing to do with this integration)

Original Image

Click to enlarge

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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