Professor Al Turaiki launched his personal website powered by XOOPS

Date 2010/11/19 22:10:00 | Topic: YAXS

Professor Mohamed Al-Turaiki, a Saudi national who professor of disability and orthopaedic bio engineering, launched his personal website in 2 languages by adopting XOOPS 2.4.5 , and by using the following modules:

- Publisher
- Extgallery 1.07
- TDMDownloads 1.5
- Xfguestbook 2.5
- Mydownloads 1.6
- Contact 1.7
- Sitemap
- Our Partners
- Simple Counter
- Mymenus
- Subscriber

The theme is based on default XOOPS theme, with nivo slider, curvy corners, and many others js effects.
Pictures are bought from

Original Image

A big thanks for: Mowaffak (arabxoops), Kris, and Tatane for their precious helps and remarks, also a big thanks for all developers: Mage, Trabis, Herve…etc because we are always profiting from their creativity.

You can check the website from here,
the Arabic version is

Your advices, comments are most welcome.

XOOPS is proving, as always, that it can be the CMS #1 when you are looking to create a powerful website.

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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